Typical conversations between my cat and me


Cat: Meow. :3

Me: No, you are not ^@%#ing hungry for the 666th time in the past hour.

Cat: Meow

Me: I fed you 10 minutes ago, you stupid mother^#@%.




Me: Gets up from seat and walks to kitchen to pour a glass of water or something

Cat: follows excitedly, expecting to be fed

Me, staring directly into cat’s eyes: #%@ no.

Cat: Meow

Cat: Meow

Me: Meow!!!!!!!!!!

Cat: Meow

Me: Shut the #^@^ up

Cat: Meow

Me: Does what I came to kitchen for, starts walking back to office

Cat: Eagerly thinks I’m bringing him food, skips ahead of me to the office

Cat, upon arrival: Meow!

Cat, realizing there is no food: Silent

Me: That’s right, you @#^!ing beggar.



Me, or any other family member: Eating food.

Cat: Approaches cautiously, but shamelessly.

Me, or any other family member: No!!

Cat: Ignores reprimand

Me, or any other family member: No!! Bad kitty!

Cat: Cranes neck to sniff human food while reaching for it with paw

Me, or any other family member, while blocking Cat with fist: No! No! No!

Cat: Retreats from the hammering motion of the fist.

The above cycle repeats 3 or so times.

Cat: Continuously harassing family for food

Me: The room it is.

Me: Picks up cat, who has begun to meow in protest. Deposits cat in room. 

Cat: Meow

Cat: moves quickly in attempt to escape from room

Me: Closes room.

Me: Bye, Onyx!


Good thing he’s cute.





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