episode 1

UROBUCHI TIME. I’ve been really excited for ALDNOAH.ZERO, the latest animated work (partially) written by the celebrated, the notorious, Gen Urobuchi, whose other works I’ve had a fair sampling of and developed a taste for. His style is really distinctive and provocative; aside from the title of ‘UroBUTCHER’ he’s won for being apt to callously and suddenly butcher characters in his scripts, Urobuchi has been known to like shoving philosophy into his viewers’ faces, particularly concerning utilitarianism, and employ characters that function primarily as representations of an ideal. I won’t say his style is for everyone, but whatever Urobuchi is involved in seems to stick out in a good way, which does have a lot to do with his uniqueness. I personally love Urobuchi’s brutal, often homiletic tendencies. Anyone who’s able to resist or ignore the pressure of adhering to the norm while still producing something meaningful and well-crafted WILL produce something that deserves close attention. For that, Urobuchi can be relied on.
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Tokyo ghoul episode 1

OMG, my first write up. Let’s do it. Btw format inspired by Bobduh’s write ups at Check them out if you haven’t, they’re funny, well written, and meaningful and are actually what inspired my whole decision to get into critical evaluation of anime and blogging as a follow up in the first place.

Just to be clear and real I already finished watching the first episode of Tokyo Ghoul but I kept a mental record of my thoughts at each point in the episode in preparation for this style (Bobduh’s, originally) of writeup because I like it. I might switch to more real time note taking later Continue reading