Status update

*sigh* I just got back from orientation at the university I’ll be attending this fall, which took place right after my trip to Hawaii. Needless to say, I am very relieved and content to finally be back at home for an extended period of time. As for the prospect of leaving home for college, I’m pretty excited. Where I’m going, the academic side of things has been known to be very rigorous and demanding, but to be honest even after all the blown up no sleep GPA horror stories I’ve heard right now I’m more curious and eager than anything else. so hAH. The people I met were all cool and friendly and intelligent (first impression, anyway), so I think I’ll have a good time.

However, this one guy did, for a wonky getting-to-know-each-other’s-name game in which you had to prefix your name with an adjective descriptive of yourself and also beginning with the same letter as your name, call himself “Esoteric Eric.” I can see and appreciate the kitschy appeal of using an alliterative adjective that contains your own name to describe yourself, despite the adjective not really making any literal sense when used as such, but the guy pronounced “esoteric” as “E”soteric, with a long e. It sounded pretttty gross and I actually looked around the ‘bonding circle’ to see if anyone caught that and was visibly appalled by it but it was early in the morning and I guess if a reaction registered everyone would be like whoa dude that’s kinda rude so everyone kept on smiling. Our CalSO leader was even like “wow that SAT vocab haha I remember but don’t ask me what it means.” I probably shouldn’t judge someone for mispronouncing a word, but fuck you I will if the word is a word like esoteric which you would only say in public to sound erudite. Like, so “E”soteric I don’t even know what I’m saying myself, man. (when you pronounce esoteric that way, it isn’t even assonant with Eric. ??)

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that’s a valid reason for actually thinking someone is dumb, though. Maybe you can say they’re a fuckin idiot for saying that, but not actually dumb. After all, everyone makes mistakes. I am actually a very considerate person and would never judge anyone by the unfortunate slip ups we are all vulnerable to. Okay, I’ll admit it, I’m actually God’s model human being sent down from heaven. : ) anyways….




ps no hard feelings eric


Hi I am in Hawaii right now. What I did over the past few days was read all one hundred and one chapters of Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality during nauseating car trips up and down twisty inclined roads. Hawaii’s alright, but my inner travel-cynic keeps telling me that all this discomfort is not worth being able to stand at a higher elevation than usual surrounded by trees. (Yeah I haven’t even been to the beach yet after almost three days in Hawaii.) I just hate going around in any type of enclosed vehicle. Right now I am having post traumatic nausea from the mental recollection and association.

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First Post



Hi. My name is Forest. 

This is a first post, so I thought I would do a little introduction. I have just been freed from high school and will be attending Cal in the fall for engineering. Based on the demographic of where I’m going there’s a 40% chance I’m Asian but don’t count on it because this is the internet and I can be anything behind a screen of anonymity !! Hahaha!

Anyways, welcome to my blog. I will probably be posting my thoughts on anime on a somewhat regular basis and might throw in some posts about other random things. But first . . .

10 indisputable (pretty sure I know more about this topic than you) facts about me

1. I’m Asian

2. I wear glasses.

3. I play League of Legends.

4. I play piano.. but super delinquent about it especially since I feel like I have no obligations now

5. I watch anime but super delinquent about that too (gonna changeeee though)

6. Like to argue

7. Want to learn how to cook/write/st1le

8. Don’t really hate anything

9. In need of motivation to accomplish goals

10. My life philosophy is mound.

Well, that was appropriately surface level – the existence of 2-5 in the presence of 1 is practically a given!

… right now though I’m waiting impatiently for the summer season of anime to start already. I am super picky about watching anime and tend to abort my viewership of a series early in because I’m too lazy/choosy to plow through shit I don’t want to watch. The only anime I’m keeping up with right now is Ping Pong the Animation which I can easily say is one of the very best. There is a point I believe to exist in art where everything after counts as “best” because they’re all so well done it would be meaningless to compare works within that range on a numbered/absolute scale indicating ‘strictly better’ or ‘strictly worse.’ Ping Pong is DEFINITELY a work of that caliber, because it’s fucking good. for the following reasons:

a. is super engaging to watch. i.e. never boring

b. weighty themes worthy of intenssss ecksploration

c. sick soundtrack

d. “TERRIBLE ANIMATION????” (the cretins clamor) NOPE THE ANIMATION IS LEGENDARY (attention grabbing, mood setting, SUPER dynamic, just a really powerful element of the anime)

e. related to d. but YUASA’S DIRECTION

f. characters that are so human, alive, and relateable that they are godlike in the realm of anime characters

g. probably a whole bunch of other shit

Sigh I’m not sure anything next season will live up to the quality of Ping Pong : ( mucho sad. Luckily, there are potential candidates – Aldnoah.Zero by Gen Urobuchi, whose works I like a lot, and I think it’s called Terror on Tokyo or something like that by the director of Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Kids on the Slope. Can’t say I liked Bebop or Champloo that much, but the premise of Terror on Tokyo judging by the PV looks really interesting. I will force myself for at least a few weeks to post regular updates on my thoughts on those shows. Maybe there will be a dark horse or two in the upcoming season that will show themselves to be worthy of the oh so high honor of my dedicated viewership.

On what I did today: mixture between reading Proof of Life by Bobduh/, wandering around the house, lying down in an inertial stupor, internet. I also watched How to Train Your Dragon 2 which was a great, surprisingly touching movie.

Bye, from Forest.